Register your household

Summary Privacy Notice

How we will use your information

Information submitted to Caerphilly County Borough Council will be processed by the Common Housing Register Assessment Team and other social housing providers that operate within the borough. Information submitted will be used in order to assess the applicant’s eligibility to be admitted onto the Common Housing Register, to determine the level of priority that may be awarded to the application and other associated matters. This process contains an element of automated decision making.

In order to assess the application and to ensure / verify the accuracy of the information submitted, Caerphilly County Borough Council's Common Housing Register Assessment Team and/or other social housing providers may request information from and pass information to other bodies. We may also use the information submitted to prevent and detect fraud and may also request information from and pass information to other organisations that handle public funds.

Information submitted on a Common Housing Register application form that relates to private sector landlords, managing agents or privately rented properties may be shared with Caerphilly County Borough Council's Private Sector Housing service.

Caerphilly County Borough Council may share the information provided on the Common Housing Register application with its homelessness team or other local authority homelessness team to prevent or alleviate homelessness.

The information we hold regarding a Common Housing Register application, including any associated documents, will generally be kept for 7 years but this may be longer in certain circumstances.

You have a number of rights in relation to the information including the right of access to information we hold about you and the right of complaint if you are unhappy with the way your information is being processed.

Further information on how we process your information and your rights please follow this link: