Homeless or at risk or homelessness
We provide a homelessness prevention service under the provisions of the Housing (Wales) Act 2014. It is available to anyone who is currently homeless or considered to be at risk of homelessness within 56 day. The service we provide is based upon your individual circumstances and may provide:
- advice, information and guidance on your housing options;
- help to either maintain your existing home or find other accommodation;
- practical help and assistance with finding private rented housing;
- referrals to other agencies for further assistance for example for a bond/deposit;
- mediation services;
- provision of support;
- access to support and advice for example debt advice; and
- help with completing forms and referrals for other services.
If you are not homeless or at risk of being made homeless then we will offer you advice and practical help in resolving problems that you may have.
For help or advice, please visit the Housing Advice Centre or contact on 01443 873552 or via email wwwha@caerphilly.gov.uk .
Will I be provided with accommodation if I have nowhere to stay?
If you are homeless and have what is referred to as a priority need then we may be under a duty to find you temporary accommodation. This will depend on your individual circumstances and will be based on an assessment carried out by an officer. If you are not entitled to temporary accommodation then we will still do what we can to help you to find accommodation and, as the availability of accommodation changes on a daily basis, it is important to maintain contact with the person who is advising you. They will be able to explain how you can be helped and what we will do to help, explaining also what is expected of you.
Unfortunately, demand for accommodation is extremely high and you may have to carefully consider all the available options put forward to you as you may not be able to find your own accommodation immediately.
If you are street homeless we can refer you to a specialist support provider, however, access to this service is through a referral only process so please contact the Housing Advice Centre on 01443 873552 or email wwwha@caerphilly.gov.uk.
If you would like to know more about the services available to rough sleepers or would like to report rough sleeping you can do so through Street Link.
Will I get a tenancy through a social landlord if I am homeless?
There is a limited amount of social housing available in the borough and while we and our partners will help you to find accommodation this does not necessarily mean that you will be made an offer of social housing. If you are homeless or at risk of being made homeless within 56 days then we have a duty to help you to find suitable accommodation which could, for example, be:
private rented housing;
supported housing; or
shared accommodation.
Staff will be able to explain what can be done to help and outline what will be required of you in order to progress this further.
Need independent advice?
Shelter Cymru provides independent housing advice either direct on 0345 075 5005 or visit the Shelter Cymru website. Additionally you could speak to a Shelter Caseworker at one of their housing advice surgeries held in the borough.