How properties are allocated
We allocate properties according to the criteria set out in the Common Allocation Policy. This is based on housing need; the greater your level of housing need the greater the level of priority that you are likely to be awarded.
When we have assessed your housing application form, and determined that you are eligible to be admitted onto the common housing register, you will be placed in one of three bands depending on your level of need:
Band 1 - urgent need to move
Band 2 - Need to move
Band 3 - wants to move but no housing need or housing need but has no local connection
You may move up or down a band if your housing circumstances change.
How applications are shortlisted
When a property becomes available for re-let the landlord will draw up a shortlist of suitable applicants from the common housing register. The shortlist is based on the property attributes, e.g. landlord, property type, location, number of bedrooms, level of accessibility and any other special characteristics. You will only appear on this shortlist if the preference you indicated on your application matches the property attributes. So for example if the property for re-let was a 1 bedroom flat and you stated that you required a two bedroom house, your application would not appear on this shortlist. If you required a 1 bedroom flat your application would appear on the shortlist, providing other shortlisting attributes matched. The landlord would normally look to make an offer of accommodation to the person on top of the shortlist providing that their application was up-to-date and there were no other circumstances which prohibited them from being considered.
All social housing in the borough will be coded in terms of its level of accessibility prior to re-letting. In order to make best use of the housing stock, when shortlisting the landlord may choose to overlook an applicant with a lesser requirement for accessible housing to ensure that a best match approached is achieved. This approach is also adopted for new build properties which have been specifically designed for a specific individual e.g. a disabled person.
How our homes are allocated
This is not a choice based lettings system, so you will not be required to bid for properties that become available to re-let. Properties are allocated by the landlord to applicants on the basis of the property attributes and the preferences set out in the housing application form. Therefore, properties available to re-let will not normally be advertised in the same way as a choice based lettings system. When a property becomes available for re-let the landlord will normally contact the applicant using their preferred contact method to arrange a home visit. If the home visit is completed to the satisfaction of the landlord an offer of accommodation will be made in writing. The applicant may choose to accept or refuse the offer.